A big THANKS to Donna Tatsuki for sharing this link to a blog entry from the NY Times about research on the psychological benefits of writing and editing our own stories.
Iwate JALT Write Up
A big thank you to Jason Hill for writing up a review of my talk at Iwate JALT. I enjoyed meeting with teachers in Akita and Iwate, and look forward to future trips.
Aaron Swartz – Documentary
I came across this documentary about Aaron Swartz when I was looking for examples to show my documentary filmmaking students. I remember reading/hearing about Aaron and his various social causes, but did not realise that he committed suicide due to the pressures of being indicted by the government. I hope more people are touched by his story and get involved.
Top 10 Skills We Wish We Were Taught In School
Sent to me by Aeric Wong. We may be using some of this stuff in our study skills course for first year students.
Osaka Embraces English Reformation
We are keeping our eyes on this to see what changes this will actually bring.
British Pathe Youtube Channel
Historic Film Clips
Student-Led Project
A friend sent me this link about student-led projects. I would like to experiment with this.
Note Taking (Making) – informED
Overview of note-taking.
Nagoya_Developing SAC Materials to Support a CEFR-J Based Syllabus
A well-done Prezi on using CEFR “can do” statements in a self access center for students learning Japanese. I would like to visit them and see first-hand what they are doing.
25 Ways to Create a Sticky Lesson
Came across this blog post on informED. Several good ideas to encourage engagement.